My name is Kirsti. I serve coffee, but my occupation is connection. I fell in love with the world at a young age and the Lord filled my spirit with a passion to serve the people around me. So here I am, doing the thing I’ve been created to do. Bringing people together under one roof to do life together.
I’m going to tell you a story. When I moved back to Colorado, I moved to start something bigger than anything I’ve ever known. I got my hospitality degree, my degree in people interaction. But I was not ready for what was ahead of me.
I joined forces with two warriors for good to begin a dream the Lord set on their hearts so long ago. Two years ago I started with True North Chiropractic to start making an impact in the community of Colorado Springs. Over these two years I have watched men gain their sight back, woman regain their ability to talk, to walk, to live. The number one cause of the opioid crisis in our country is because of back pain. It’s as simple as that.
I saw people find healing from twenty years of perpetual and persistent pain. This company has allowed men, women, and children to gain their true purpose in this world. It has broken chains of depression and exhaustion and thoughts of suicide. Working with True North, I have discovered that my passion for people runs far deeper than a mere surface. I have found a passion for purpose. I want every individual to find their purpose and to seek out their True North.
So I wanted to thank the pioneers at True North Chiropractic who set fuel to the fire inside me to help the people of this city find their voice. In whatever form or fashion that may be. Wake up, my friends. Your slumber ends here. Step out of your shell, and discover your purpose.